About the Module:
“A film based course on interviews and finally getting the job. Divided into 3 parts - Watch. Learn. Do", the "Watch" section of the course starts as a film story with different candidates going through varied interviews integrated within the film. The "Learn" section comprises analysis from multiple viewpoints - the company or interviewer perspective, the candidate perspective, frequently asked interview questions and a candidate action plan. Having "watched" and "learnt" the different interview concepts and behaviors by seeing other candidate videos, the "Do" section is completely personal - you work out your own action plan along with practice video interviews of yourself."
What you will learn:
Understanding and handling all kinds of interview questions and situations
Improve your job readiness for specific job roles e.g. Relationship Manager, E-Commerce Product Manager etc.
Tackling frequently asked interview questions
Analysing and positioning your competencies with an action plan e.g. Career Focus, Communication skills, Analytical Thinking skills etc.
Learning Summary:
Experiential Interviews:
Video Exercises:
Multidimensional Analysis:
Personal Development Exercises:
Who is this for:
Films with a story, a concept and divided into modules
Multi dimensional expert analysis
Tests, Ratings and Quizzes
Sample interviews for software developer, e-commerce product manager, branch manager, relationship manager
Practice video interviews
Personal improvement plan
Tools - personalized Interview response reference guide – the "Ready Reckoner"; personal "Cheat Sheet"; online videos search and notes