Module Catalogue


The Birth of a Salesman

(Fundamentals of Sales)

The Birth of a Salesman is a film based sales training program with a story of Abhay, a relationship manager that shows typical scenario of life in a sales organization, with different customer types, different aspects or stages of a sales call and detailed analysis of these aspects based on research from experts.

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What you will learn

  1. Handling the different stages of a sales call including Preparation, Introduction, Questioning, Presentation, Handling Objections, Closing and Follow Up.
  2. Understanding and handling different kinds of customers.
  3. Understanding how to adjust to a live sales environment.

The Final Countdown

(Fundamentals of Interviews)

“A film based course on interviews and finally getting the job. Divided into 3 parts - Watch. Learn. Do", the "Watch" section of the course starts as a film story with different candidates going through varied interviews integrated within the film. The "Learn" section comprises analysis from multiple viewpoints - the company or interviewer perspective, the candidate perspective, frequently asked interview questions and a candidate action plan. Having "watched" and "learnt" the different interview concepts and behaviors by seeing other candidate videos, the "Do" section is completely personal - you work out your own action plan along with practice video interviews of yourself." 

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What you will learn

  1. Understanding and handling all kinds of interview questions and situations
  2. Improve your job readiness for specific job roles e.g. Relationship Manager, E-Commerce Product Manager etc.
  3. Tackling frequently asked interview questions
  4. Analysing and positioning your competencies with an action plan e.g. Career Focus, Communication skills, Analytical Thinking skills etc.

Circle of Confidence

(Fundamentals of Jewellery Selling)

A film based course on jewellery selling which looks at the entire sales cycle starting from customer entry to interaction and closure. Observed through interactions of different sales staff with different kinds of customers with different needs and occasions including gifting, marriage etc.

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What you will learn

  1. Handling the different stages of jewellery selling starting from Entry to Probing the customer to Interaction on the purchase and finally closure of the deal.
  2. Understanding and handling different kinds of customers with different needs - self esteem, love etc..
  3. Understanding value selling
  4. Understanding customer - roles - buyer, influencer etc.

The Leap Year

(Fundamentals of Insurance Selling)

The Leap Year is a film based insurance sales training program with the story of different advisors like Shiv and Arvind as well as Insurance managers like Zarine. It depicts typical scenarios of life in a sales organization, customers with different levels of needs, a end to end look at the sales process from Prospecting to Closure. It comes in 2 variants - one for advisors and one for Insurance Managers. The story is analysed through detailed analysis from experts. 

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What you will learn

  1. Different stages of the sales cycle from Prospecting to Closure
  2. Handling different levels of customer needs from Basic to Aspirational
  3. Working in a Insurance environment

Three Aces and a Manager

(Fundamentals of Managerial Skills)

'Three Aces and a Manager’ is a film based module on key Managerial Skills. It is a story of Harsh, a young manager who goes through the evolutionary journey from being an individual performer to managing a team. The film shows the challenges of dealing with different kinds of individuals– arrogant high performers, youngsters, experienced old hands, demanding seniors and competitive peers. It covers diverse skills from bonding with the team to building trust, to handling conflict, to driving team performance through reviews, feedback and capability building. Each of these skills is analysed in detail by experts. 

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What you will learn

  1. How to gain acceptance with the team ?
  2. How to communicate with the team ?
  3. How to transition from an Individual to a Manager?
  4. How to set performance expectations?
  5. How to leverage trust for great performance?
  6. How to conduct capability assessment?
  7. How to give feedback to feedback to team members?
  8. How to resolve intra team and inter teamconflicts?
  9. How to delegate and build capability of teams?
  10. How to drive stretch performance?

Step Up

(Prevention of Sexual Harassment)

Step Up is a film based training program which covers the key concepts related to POSH starting from its history, legal aspects and finally practical aspects of POSH from a everyday perspective. Told in the form of a film with multiple stories woven together using a web series approach, it provides a compelling and informative look at different aspects -What is Sexual Harassment along with key concepts as per the Act, Organization & stakeholder responsibility, Grievance Redressal and finally the impact of POSH on individuals and the corporate.

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What you will learn

  1. What Constitutes sexual harassment
  2. Organization & Individual Responsibility with respect to the law
  3. Grievance Redressal Process
  4. Challenges & Impact on stakeholders – complainant, respondent and organizations

Digital Literacy

(Digital Literacy)

Tarang is a module on digital literacy. Starting as a film story with interesting examples of uses of devices, it covers the internet and related concepts, different applications, security, government applications. All of these are seen through practical usage by different characters in the film including farmers, ecommerce delivery boys, students learning remotely, cobblers etc.

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What you will learn

  1. Important basic concepts in the digital world
  2. Practical use cases in India for different digital concepts including devices and applications

Mission Possible

(Driving High Performance)

Mission Possible is a film based program on delivering and driving high performance. It comprises a film based story with managers and team members going through the challenges of delivering high performance. It looks at setting high performance goals, planning, owning the challenge and personal transformation through high performance. The film is divided into multiple episodes for granular learning. In addition the module has several short videos spanning performance concepts e.g. Sandwich Feedback, Underperformance Trap etc.

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What you will learn

  1. Key elements of driving and delivering high performance
  2. Performance related concepts


(Fundamentals of Sales)

Manzil is a film based bancassurance training program with the story of a typical sales officer called Ranbir who moves into bancassurance and starts his innings with a set of bank branches. It depicts his interactions with different kinds of bank branch employees including helpful staff, non-cooperative employees and seniors like the branch manager. The story covers the importance of processes and technology and looks at lobby management and bank employee relationship management closely.

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What you will learn

  1. Lobby Management
  2. Channel Management
  3. Key Processes & Technology

Remote Tools

This section contains some short videos which will get you going with the fundamentals of using remote video tools. Critical in today’s working environment, these videos contain simple screen shots and practical tips for using such tools. We have currently used Webex as an example to illustrate.

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Remote Office

Increasingly in the post Covid world, many of us need to change the way we work. Working from home, remote office management are concepts are now a reality. This module contains a series of short practical videos to gear you up for this new way of managing your professional life. It covers topics like Video call etiquette, Setting and conducting video meetings, time management in a work from home scenario and for team managers, managing team members remotely.

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Remote Selling

Increasingly in the post Covid world, many of us need to change the way we sell. Remote sales is now a reality. This module contains a series of short practical videos to gear you up for this new way of selling. It covers topics like the Remote Sales mindset, Remote Sales Planning, Pre call Preparation, Start of the Call, Customer Connversation and Closing the Call.

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Write Right

‘Write Right’ is a Film based course on Effective Written communication Skills. This course covers aspects of Email and Social media communication. This course comprises a video on fundamentals of written communication, various communication role play scenarios, email exercises and a quiz.

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What you will learn

  1. Fundamentals of written communication
  2. Various communication role play scenarios
  3. Email exercises


(Fundamentals of Collaboration)

Project Synergy is a film-based course on collaboration covering collaborative behaviours and attitudes, benefits of collaboration, challenges in collaboration and making collaboration work. The characters are in separate teams with different teams in 2 vastly different companies – one working on launching a new financial services product for an online portal and the other trying to develop a demand forecasting software within a FMCG company. There are intra company interactions with different stakeholders from various functions as well as inter company interactions as the audience discovers key principles of collaboration

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What you will learn

  1. Collaborative Behaviours & Attitudes
  2. Benefits of Collaboration
  3. Challenges in Collaboration
  4. Making Collaboration work
  5. Collaborative Behaviours & Attitudes
  6. Collaborative Behaviours & Attitudes

The Win Win Game

(A course on Negotiation Skills)

"The Win Win Game" is a film based course on Negotiation Skills. Negotiation is a critical skill to be acquired by all corporate professionals, irrespective of the function they belong to. The course helps the audience understand the basic concepts associated with Negotiations, like BATNA and ZOPA, and their application in various negotiation scenarios. This course comprises six cases which vary from complex high value negotiation to simple low value negotiation scenarios.

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What you will learn

  1. Various negotiation scenarios
    • Buy – Sell Negotiations
    • Partnership negotiations
    • Channel negotiations
  2. Understanding Negotiation from multiple perspectives of Sellers, Buyers, Channel partners
  3. Complex high value Negotiation scenarios
  4. Simple low value negotiation scenarios

Tinted Glass

"Tinted Glass" is a film based course on Unconscious Bias. Unconscious biases, or implicit biases, are attitudes that are held subconsciously and affect the way individuals feel and think about others around them. The course helps the audience identify a number of these biases and create an awareness of the tendency to develop biases and the ramifications which may arise out of these biases. It suggests mechanisms to deal with these biases.

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What you will learn

  1. What is Unconscious Bias?
  2. Impact of Unconscious Bias
  3. Recognising the different kinds of Unconscious Bias
  4. Key steps to reduce Unconscious Bias


(Fundamentals of developing Business Acumen)

Smart Moves is a program designed to help career professionals hone their ability to demonstrate business acumen. It is structured as a series of video based learning scenarios and case studies which examine business acumen in different contexts. The cases are carefully chosen across industries to reflect a diversity of industries, business situations, and stakeholder responses to bring out the key concepts in developing Business Acumen.

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What you will learn

  1. Why is Business Acumen required?
  2. What are the key steps in developing business acumen?
    • Understanding the key drivers of a business situation
    • Engaging with data and key stakeholders for better application of business acumen
    • Acting on the identified solution to ensure benefits of business acumen

The Right Way

"The Right Way" is a film based course on Code of Conduct & Ethics. This course comprises ten cases which showcase various scenarios, one encounters in our corporate or business life. These vary from conflict of interest to dealing with internal stakeholders and business partners. The roleplay showcased in these situations, also give you a template to handle any hitherto unseen situation.

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What you will learn

  1. How to conduct oneself in different code of conduct scenarios
  2. How not to cross the lines defined by law
  3. How to manage ethically tricky situations
  4. Understanding the nuances and the fine lines to be managed

Talk the Talk

(A Strategic Approach to Workplace Communication)

Talk the Talk is a situation based training program on the fundamentals of communication skills. It utilises a rich of mix of videos of different communication situations woven into an insightful and structured narrative covering different aspects of communication.

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What you will learn

  1. Communication skills for internal projection with managers, team members
  2. Communication skills with customers
  3. Communications skills with partners

Customer Success Stories

See how we’ve helped some of the leading companies in India empower their teams.

  • Caratlane

    Improved productivity for the Caratlane Sales Team

  • Balmer Lawrie

    Drive e-learning culture across the organization given the spread and width of businesses and limitations of classroom learning from a scale perspective

  • Anand Rathi

    Anand Rathi, a leading financial services company with over 300 sales people spread across branches

What They Say

Trust Wall


Context sensitivity and visuals have a much higher & lasting impact on people's learning than words / text. Hence, I am personally a big fan of learning products that are context sensitive and use visuals. I loved the product built by the team at Knowlens as this was the first time someone had really thought through the product so well. The sheer passion and dedication of the founders will ensure that it will be something big."

~ Brijesh Agrawal Co-founder & Director | Indiamart

The way Knowlens has integrated Films, Internet and Mobile for learning, it is an immensely scalable EdTech proposition for learners and job seekers. We believe it will add immense value to our audience at ICICI Securities."

~ Dheeraj Sehgal Formerly Head - Retail Sales | ICICI Securities

The way Knowlens has integrated Films, Internet and Mobile for learning, it is an immensely scalable EdTech proposition for learners and job seekers. We believe it will add immense value to our audience at Times Jobs."

~ Vivek Madhukar | Formerly COO | Times Business Solutions Limited

The wonderful thing about Knowlens is the sheer ease of implementation. Logins were created in minutes and we had the flexibility to contextualise and scale up as per our organization's needs."

~ Vaijayanti Naik | Formerly Head HR | ICICI Securities

Knowlens with its focus on visual experience makes learning the sales process more comprehensive and complete. The learners within our organisation felt it was a unique medium under the blended learning methodology (as it is instructor led and video based) to understand the dynamics of customer calls."

~ R Venkattesh | Chief Operating Officer | DCB Bank

A very innovative product to help students to sail through one of the toughest times in their life - placement interviews. Unlike other video tutorials, the concept of putting forth the important learning points through short movie keeps the interest of the user alive. The UDID framework provides a comprehensive analysis of a student's weaknesses and helps to overcome them by providing different type of exercises and tasks."

~ Milind Aggarwal | Student | IIT Ropar

Sometimes it is necessary to show people how to do stuff rather than just telling them what to do! Knowlens does just that for me and watching the final countdown gave me a feel of watching 3 idiots!!! Excellent execution of a good idea."

~ Kartik Gupta | Student | IIT Ropar

Training retention pyramid indicates that Discussion and Practice are the second and third most effective methodologies, only after Teaching. We have opted for a methodology which innovates on this paradigm and has crafted an immersive and experiential learning process."

~ Adhip Nath Palchaudhari | Director[Service Business] | Balmer Lawrie